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丹佛大都会州立大学(Metropolitan State University of Denver)提高了学生保留率,扩大了同步招生计划,使该校秋季入学人数比去年增加了2%, according to the University’s recently released fall census这是对入学率和人口趋势的年度衡量指标. 

This year’s  data shows that 17,782 students are enrolled at MSU Denver, the highest number since fall 2020. 

丹佛州立大学今年吸引了更多的学生,尽管一项新的联邦学生援助免费申请的推出推迟了, 全国的大学管理者担心哪些会阻碍秋季入学. 

但是由于整个大学的教职员工的集中努力, MSU Denver was able to buck those expectations, said President Janine Davidson, Ph.D. 

Dr Janine Davidson headshot

“教职员工实施了有针对性的干预措施,帮助皇冠官网网站从大流行中恢复过来,稳定招生, and now we are gaining momentum,” Davidson said. “Each student-success strategy strengthens retention, which increases public and private funding, 吸引更多的学生,使皇冠官网网站能够重新投资于皇冠官网网站的人才, processes and technology. Like a flywheel, every action builds on the previous one, creating a cycle of continuous improvement and growth.” 

This year’s snapshot of University trends shows: 

  • 本科生人数为16,600人,比去年秋季的16,345人增加了2%.  
  • Pell Grant eligibility grew to 38.5%, a 5.5 percentage-point increase over 2023.  
  • 同期招生(高中生参加大学课程的项目)从6个增加到6个.6% of students enrolled at MSU Denver in 2023 to 8.8% (1,453) this year.  
  • Undergraduate retention improved by 1.3 percentage points (fall 2022-23: 67.4%; fall 2023-24: 68.7%).  
  • Forty-eight percent of the current undergraduate student body entered MSU Denver as first-time freshmen; 39.6%是大学转学,其余的是通过同步入学进入的. Average credit-hour load is 10.61, up slightly from 10.5 in 2023. 

Coloradans dominate the diverse student body

从人口统计学的角度来看,学生的身体构成发生了微小的变化. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的黑人和拉丁裔学生人数略有增长,学生的平均年龄略有下降,降至24岁.4 years, down from 24.5. 学生群体的性别分布基本保持一致, with female-identifying students comprising 54.占学生总数的3%男生占45%.6% and the remaining 0.1% identifying as neither male nor female.  

Additional stats for 2024-25: 

  • 95.6% are in-state residents.  
  • 57.8% are first-generation college students. 
  • 56.1% are students of color.  
  • 57.7% of undergraduates are full-time students.   


New student applications were down 4.93%, but registrations were up 3.34%,表明FAFSA的延迟并没有最终影响入学率. The FAFSA Simplification Act seems to have had its intended effect at MSU Denver, 有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金的本科生比例从2023年的33%增加到38%.5% this fall.  

“了解新的FAFSA申请流程的挑战, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校实施了一系列策略和支持系统,以帮助学生和家长应对这些变化, including workshops, trainings, 全面的网站资源和强大的沟通计划,” said Chief Enrollment Officer Long Huynh, DBA. “这些积极的注册数据告诉皇冠官网网站皇冠官网网站简化注册流程的努力正在发挥作用.” 


研究生入学人数从2023年的1160人增加到今年的1182人. 研究生群体的人口结构也发生了微小的变化, 欢迎更多的美国印第安人/阿拉斯加原住民, Asian, Latino and international students. 尽管男性研究生人数略有增长(292人), up from 268 in 2023), 丹佛市立大学75%的研究生是女性(890人)。. 

Annual census informs strategic efforts  

除了满足州和联邦的报告要求, this data informs University strategic planning, grant reporting and key decisions. 人口普查数据是通过与多个办事处合作编制和核实的, including the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid and Scholarships, and Innovative and Lifelong Learning, said Buffy Ribble, Ph.D., director of Data and Analytics. 

Learn more

Census data can be found on the Office of Institutional Research’s dashboard page and is reflected on the Rowdy Dash ,为大学为实现《皇冠官网网站》的目标所作的努力提供一个简单的参考点.    

有关新的或现有的数据分析要求的信息,请访问大学的 Business Intelligence page.   


“我为皇冠官网网站作为一个团队所取得的成就感到无比自豪,”黄仁勋说. “Student success is our No. 1 focus, 皇冠官网网站一直在努力消除阻碍学生进入密歇根州立大学丹佛分校并取得成功的障碍.”